

  • Java lessons (9h), lab work (7h30) and tutoring (5h) for 2nd year engineering students (~24 students) of INSA Rennes
  • Student project supervision (8h) of four 3rd year engineering students of INSA Rennes to implemenent a light version of This Is The Only Level in C.


  • Java lessons (14h) and lab work (6h) for 2nd year engineering students (~24 students) of INSA Rennes
  • High Performance Computing introduction (OpenMP + MPI) lab work (12h) for 3rd year engineering students (~15 students in the Computer Science department) of INSA Rennes


  • Java lessons (20h) and lab work (18h) for 2nd year engineering students (~24 students) of INSA Rennes
  • High Performance Computing introduction (OpenMP + MPI) lab work (14h) for 3rd year engineering students (~12 students in the Computer Science department) of INSA Rennes


  • Java lessons (20h) and lab work (18h) for 2nd year engineering students (~24 students, half foreigners) of INSA Rennes


  • Java lessons (20h) and lab work (18h) for 2nd year engineering students (~24 students, half foreigners) of INSA Rennes